In the heart of Izegem, we find this authentic double townhouse. This unique renovation project offers tremendous potential due to its size and central location.
- Habitable surface
- 541m2
- Surface area of plot
- 550m2
- Construction year
- 1918
- Number of bedrooms
- 6
Built-in tandem garage / Large city garden / Substantial living space / Spacious attic
- Habitable surface
- 541m2
- Surface area of plot
- 550m2
- Construction year
- 1918
- Number of bedrooms
- 6
- Construction year
- 1918
- EPC index
- 416kWh / (m2year)
- Energy class
- E
- Garden
- Yes
- Garage
- Yes
- Parking space
- 2
- Cellar
- Yes
Spatial planning
- Urban development permit
- yes
- Court decision
- no
- Pre-emption
- yes
- Subdivision permit
- no
- Urban destination
- Residential area
- Overstromingskans perceel (P-score)
- C
- Overstromingskans gebouw (G-score)
- C
- Listed heritage
- Inventoried heritage
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